Let’s get together and talk!

“Someone you care about will be selling their home soon. Please pass this email along, I’d be glad to sit down and talk with them…”

Office: (814) 231 – 8200 ext. 355
Cell: (814) 880 – 4427

Year To Date Closed Residential Sales (SCASD/BASD/BEASD/PVASD) January 1 – October 8

2019……………..1226 Closed Residential Property Sales

2020……………..1164 Closed Residential Property Sales – Down 5%

From 25% fewer transactions(YTD)in March, to just 5% fewer transactions by early November!!! Centre County Residential Real Estate Resilience!!!

1. The 2021 Selling Season is Just Around the Corner….

I know we are entering the Holiday Season, Covid remains a serious situation and it is not Spring for at least another 4 months…… Why do I need to think about this now?

If 2021 is likely to be a year for you and your family to “make a move”….. use this time wisely!

2021 Sellers….

1. Contact me sooner rather than later. Just to give me a heads up.

2. Do not…”get your property ready” before you have me over to discuss the sale. Let’s review what “ready” actually means, before you start spending money and time.

3. Have me over now…we can do a quick walkthrough, outline what needs to be done, set a preliminary schedule, review ” probable market value” and address all your questions.

4. Don’t worry about the “showing condition” of your property, for my preliminary walkthrough. I am definitely not buying it, I already have a home I love. The showing condition matters for the “unveiling” to the market, not before the unveiling.

5. You don’t have to do any prep work or planning, doesn’t matter to me. You can call me today or almost any day and I can have your property listed and on the market within 24 hours. You may be more stressed and overwhelmed doing it this way, but I’m ok with it. (hint of sarcasm).

2021 Buyers….

1. Stating the Obvious….are you financially qualified? and does the economy or Covid offer any significant risk to job and income security?

2. Are you currently a homeowner? If you will be selling your current home and buying a new home….there is more you “need to know” than you may be aware of. Clients in this scenario should contact me as soon as they can.

3. Know Thy Numbers….How much are closing costs? How much will the bank lend me? How much total cash will I need to close a purchase? What will my total monthly payment be once I move in(Principal/Interest/Taxes/Insurance/Condo and Homeowners Assoc Fees) (if applicable))

4. Am I a Non-Contingent Buyer? If you must sell your current home before you are qualified to purchase your new home…that makes you a Contingent Buyer. Contingent Buyers are the least attractive to sellers, are in the weakest negotiating position and are at the greatest risk for significant stress and financial loss. There are effective strategies to avoid this situation, but we must plan ahead.

5. Can we line up the dates? You are living somewhere now and likely paying to do so. How do we line up the dates so you are not paying for both your current housing and new home at the same time? You must know the answer to this before taking any action.

2. 2021 Family Calendars

Your 2021 Calendar will be mailed to you the first week of December. We can all look at the photos and dream of hitting the road sometime in 2021, once covid is in the rear view mirror.

“Where’s Todd” Winner…

Congratulations to Rhys John! He was the 3rd person to correctly identify, I was in a helicopter over Beaver Stadium.

3. Where’s Todd?

The third person to respond via email with the correct location of this photo wins a $10 Panera gift card.

Hint…it will always be somewhere in Centre County.

This Month’s Prize….

2 winners will each receive a $50.00 Gift Card to the State Wine and Spirits Store.

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.”

– Charles Dickens

Todd is honest, hard working, dependable, fiercely intelligent, and extremely knowledgeable of the residential real estate business.


I trust Todd’s professional expertise, experience and thorough knowledge of the State College real estate market when buying or selling. I wouldn’t use any other real estate agent.


You’re so good at keeping in touch, Todd.



Our monthly value message is packed with useful information. You’ll be the first to know the latest market trends and current mortgage rates along with upcoming open houses that you can view.

I certainly will not share your information with anyone else and promise to send you only valuable and relevant information.